Friday, June 4, 2010

Tropical Rain Storm

On a hot day after working in the blazing sun, Kiersti and I decided to eat on the roof. Austin decided to join us. Off in the distance was a huge rain cloud. We were excited for it to come over our way and cool us off. A few moments later, sprinkles began. We all looked at each other and decided to continue having our lunch in the rain. A few seconds later DOWNPOUR! No joke! It was a tropical rainstorm! It was the best meal of our lives!!! I remembered us making the comment that food always tastes better outside!

A minute later, a few more of our friends joined us on the roof. Drenched, we were laughing, dancing, singing, and having a great time! The rain kept coming down harder. It was surreal. Definitely unique to the Amazon & being on the boat. I laugh at the amount of times I had to change close due to me being wet on this trip! Austin got these sweet pictures of us in the rain!

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