Sunday, May 30, 2010

Butchering A Pig

To spend some time with the Women, we would help them cook lunch. One pleasant lunch, we helped a woman butcher and cook a pig! This being a new experience for me, I was extremely tentative , but got the hang of it after a while. A funny thing to note: we were cooking rice and the woman we were helping asked us to pour water in the pot. Ally dumped the whole bowl of water into the pot... haha ... there was soooo much water we had to take some out - I'm sure the woman thought we were crazy! Never butchering a pig, messing up rice, and needing instructions on how to dice garlic! I felt lame for a moment. But it was a great time! Mental note: the feet and eyeballs of the pig still are vivid in my mind. I may become a vegetarian! :)

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